Earlier in the week we drove south to Sarasota and Venice, Florida. We had two reasons. One was to see our friends Sue & Rudi and the other was to see Circus Sarasota.
It was a long drive with terrible weather but it was wonderful to see our friends and the circus.
Circus Sarasota was founded eleven years ago by Dolly Jacobs, shown here on the cover of this year's program book, and her husband Pedro Reis. It is a not-for-profit organization. Each season they bring outstanding circus artists from all over the world to perform in Circus Sarasota. This year the show will go on tour for engagements in southern Florida as well. During the rest of the year they present eductional and entertainment projects for school children and people in retirement homes around central Florida.
You can see what the weather looked like on the lot earlier that day. By show time the weather improved, the tornado warning was canceled and the show went on -- with a big, enthusiastic audience of all ages.
A Holiday Luncheon for My Staff
16 hours ago