"Bird Girl", 1936, by Sylvia Shaw Judson, originally located in Savannah's Bonaventure Cemetery.
We are thinking about a car trip to Savannah, Georgia sometime during the summer and a possible side trip to Charleston, South Carolina. The first bit of research was to find out how far away these places are.
Pensacola to Jacksonville -- 358 miles
Jacksonville to Savannah -- 140 miles
Pensacola to Savannah -- 498 miles (801 kilometers)
Savannah to Charleston, via Interstate Highways 95 and 26 -- 142 miles
Savannah to Charleston, via Interstate 95 and slower but more direct Route 17 -- 107 miles
For more information about Savannah and its attractions click here. And here for Charleston information.
It took me about 5 readings of the title of this piece to realize it was bird girl not BAD girl. I kept trying to figure out why she was bad. Now I'm trying to figure out why I wanted her to be bad.
Are you folks fans of "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?" We love both the novel and the movie. Clint Eastwood, of all people, made a wonderful movie of the book. I just love the opening with k.d. lang singing "Skylark." And the many views of old Savannah.
We love Savannah. The architecture changes every few blocks from the river as architectural styles changed. Parks every couple of blocks.
Oh yeah, and good food.
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