The flight was uneventful and we were at the gate in the Honolulu Airport before 3:00 PM. Our flight to Maui was at 5:00. But we had to claim our luggage, go to another terminal and check in again.

It turned out the flight to Maui was not out of the Interisland Terminal, but from the Commuter Terminal next door to it. The Commuter Terminal looked a lot to us like the old Interisland Terminal. Also, adding to the confusion in our travel addled brains, the clerk at the Mokulele Airlines counter told us our flight would be on GO! Airlines instead. It was at the same counter but a different person signed us in and charged us for our luggage.
We landed in Kahalui, Maui a little after 5:30. By the time we got our bags, found the Budget Rental Car site and started the drive to Ka'anapali it was totally dark out. As soon as we got out of town the only lights were from car headlights and they were somewhat blinding. I was a bit dazed driving the winding roads after sitting on planes so long today. At least I couldn't see the cliffs and the ocean way below us.
It was just after 7:00 when we got to Lahaina and we decided to get something to eat before checking in at the Ka'anapali Beach Hotel. We then made a great discovery, CJ's Deli & Diner. Just a mile from the hotel and we knew about it from their website. Good food, casual setting and free WI-FI access. At about 8:00 we checked in to our hotel and soon were fast asleep. Hotel details to follow. Tommorrow.
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