As you may have noticed, a month ago I started keeping a log of our evening meals. We have never gotten really good at long-range meal planning but it is nice to shop for several days ahead. And not need to run out to the grocery store every day at 3:30 for dinner items. The log is supposed to help us answer the "What do you want for dinner tonight?" question.
We don't eat out very often. This is strange because we live in a small city that has an incredible selection of very good restaurants with a wide variety of styles. With probably more nice restaurants per capita than any other city of its size I know of.
Generally there's just the two of us and often I cook things from scratch. Of course we have lots of favorite prepared foods as well. Sometimes these are served as is or sometimes they get customized with fresh ingredients.
Please leave a comment or drop me an email with some menu suggestions -- maybe just tell us what you had last night and are having tonight. This will help us a lot.
Hey, there!
So, is this your only blog, now? I wan't sure if I should change my links.
Since Mrs. Nator & I are both recovering from a stomach bug, I imagine we'll be eating something very bland tonight. However, I might have some recipies for you. Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Good to see you are up and blogging! Feel better soon.
The other blog is still resting and will rise again soon.
Meal wise we are open to most everything. And, as you can see, need to eat more fish.
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