It includes lots of links to other strange folks and happenings Down East. And, of course, naked bowling.
Strange Maine Blog contents copyright © 2006 their respective authors and/or Michelle Souliere.
Photo credit: www.curiouslittlemonkey.com.
Nearly all of the photos in my posts can be enlarged by clicking on them. Some even enlarge more if you click again.
The links here are pretty tame, but I have no control over where these links may lead you. So if you are under 18 years old or might get upset by almost anything, either be very careful or click here.
And please leave comments.
What a great blog. Maine, I must pay a visit some day!
Hullo Kenyo! Thanks for the mention. :) I've been to Florida once (Orlando) and it seemed very surreal in its own special way. Someday I'll get back down that way again.
And thanks, Jae, for the compliment!
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